In the same year, we established cooperation with the company Palfinger and became its general representative in Poland, and thereby the only distributor of Palfinger hydraulic loader cranes in our country. Since then, we have been selling, servicing, and installing these world-class cranes
In 1992, we sold the first ever new Palfinger loader crane in Poland, thus introducing Palfinger products to the Polish market.
Along with the development of the Palfinger company, the Graco company also prospered. Currently, we sell and service not only cranes but also other working machines used to move loads and perform work at height.
Since 2004, we have been producing chassis superstructures with hydraulic loading devices at the Graco branch in Gliwice, and since 2012, also at our company’s second branch in Płochocin.
Graco’s production plants are licensed by the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) for repair, modernization, and maintenance of cranes, hook- and skiploaders and mobile access platforms.
When selecting suppliers of the products we offer on the Polish market, we apply the highest quality criteria.

Palfinger is a world leader in the production of hydraulic loader cranes for general use, intended primarily for installation on truck chassis. Palfinger cranes are used, inter alia, in the construction, forestry, agricultures, industries, power energy, infrastructures, waste management and recycling , l transport and logistics.. More than 100 different Palfinger crane models impress our clients with their use of the most advanced technology and, thanks to ergonomic considerations, the highest safety standards and efficiency.
Learn more at
Our offer includes:
Sales, warranty and post-warranty service
Graco provides spare parts for all machines sold as well as warranty and post-warranty service (workshop-based and mobile) for Loader cranes, Epsilon Timber and Recycling Cranes, Railway Systems, Crawler Cranes, Hookloader and Skiploader, Access Platforms.
The highest quality of products and services
In the field of machines produced by Palfinger, intended for installation on truck chassis, we cooperate with leading domestic superstructure manufactures, as well as with companies authorized by the Office of Technical Inspection to repair and maintain equipment subject to supervision in accordance with the regulations. In this way, with the end user in mind, we form a sales and service network of Palfinger devices together with our partners.
Our paramount goal is customer satisfaction with the quality of our products and services. A formal confirmation of our company’s mission is the Quality Management System certificate obtained in July 2005, compliant with the PN-EN ISO 9001: 2001 standard.
The quality management system is continuously monitored and adapted to changing conditions.